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BETTINA: You make it seem logical, simple…

HARRY: But you've also [made] it look smart, [so] it’s a little bit of cleverness, a bit of wit there, and you’re a bit clever and a bit witty too for noticing.


- "BLISS," adapted by Tom Wright, from the novel by Peter Carey

I started designing posters by accident – the director of the school drama production needed a poster for 'Macbeth', and I was the first person they thought of who could make something work in two days. I designed the drama production's poster the following year (a 'Dream'), as well as a hypothetical marketing campaign for my HSC Drama project, and have been mucking around with images and ideas ever since. Each image, each project, is different – that is, there is no signature style – but each image is created in the best way for the project.

I design posters (or key art) for projects as an extension of the dramaturgical process – what is the image or moment that visually encapsulates a work for an audience, and might entice them to a production? Like a film poster, it's a trailer in poster form for a work – how can this be conveyed through text and images on a page or a wall or a screen?

A good poster or image for film or theatre, like a good book cover, should catch the eye. It should intrigue you enough to make you look again or linger on it, should stop you in the street; it should tell you enough about the work that you want to grab your phone and buy a ticket. At the same time, it shouldn’t tell you too much that you feel like you don’t need to.

Please get in contact if you would like to know more or are interested in collaborating/commissioning work.



ALL POSTERS AND CONTENT © Glenn Saunders 2007 - 2022


SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN - "THE BOOK OF DUCKS" at La Mama Explorations, 2019

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