Adapted and Directed by Shondelle Pratt
Presented as part of the 2019 VCA Masters of Directing for Performance Graduate Season
October 2019
Webe the wombat lives in the zoo,
He wants to holiday in Uluru,
He longs for adventures and new friends too,
The only thing missing is you!
You are invited to the first stage of a fun, new, creative development, set to premiere in Victoria 2020!
Forget about sitting in the dark! Join us on an interactive, accessible adventure where children and their carers are encouraged to sing, dance and play with some very colourful bush characters.
'Wombat's Wild Weekend' is a hilarious, inclusive children's musical for 3-5 year olds. Travel with Webe the Wombat on his adventures from the Zoo to Uluru as he jumps with Joey the Kangaroo, jiggles with jelly fish, and searches for a very special pair of sleeping socks.
Sometimes you need to get away to remember that home is the most important place to be!
'Wombat's Wild Weekend' was presented as part of a school residency.
Adapted and directed by Shondelle Pratt
Music Composition and Arrangement: Heinz Schweer, Shondelle Pratt, Daniele Buatti, Hayden Dun
Musical Director, Hayden Dun
Choreographer, Shondelle Pratt
Set and Costume Designer, Helen Rofe
Stage Manager, Natasha Noel
Assistant Stage Manager, Adelaide Harney
Sound Design, Rachel Lewindon
Assistant Director, Glenn Saunders
With, Sue Blakey, Walter Kadiki, Tomas Parrish, Shondelle Pratt, Steve Scott, Chloe Miller
Image: Claudia Mauger